Roznava – a historical and cultural centre of the Upper- Gemer region

The town lies in the Rožňava valley and borders with Spis –Gemer Ore Mountain and the Slovak karst. The first written record of Roznava comes from the 13th century. The town square is the largest in Slovakia where many important historical monuments can be found– a gothic cathedral church, an Episcopal residence, the town hall from 1711, the convent of Vincent nuns, and four more churches. On the medieval square there is a clock tower from the 17th century, secession memorial of Františka Andrassy, the plague column and a gothic building from the 15th century which has been reconstructed into the Cierny orol Hotel** (Black eagle) with a beautiful underground wine bar.

Five kilometers north-west from Roznava there is Betliar village which is often visited by many tourists for its two-storied manor house surrounded by a wonderful English park. The park is 81 hectare large and it belongs to one of the largest in Slovakia. The manor house was built during the Renaissance – Baroque style during the 17th – 18th centuries. The furniture and interior of the library is from the same period. The library contains more than 20 thousand books from the 15th – 19th centuries written in 15 different languages.
Krásna hôrka Castle and Mausoleum

Krásna hôrka castle is situated 8 km eastwards from Roznava near the village of Krasnohorske podhradie. The castle was built at the beginning of the 14th century and was inhabited until 1812. Its last owner changed it into a family museum and since 1906 it has been open to the public as a museum of period furniture. One of its last owners built a secession mausoleum for his wife. You can find the sarcophagus of D. Andrássy and his wife Františka inside.
National park Slovak karst

The Slovak karst mountain range is situated on the Slovak - Hungarian border surrounded by South- Slovak, Rožňavska and Kosicka valleys and Volovské hills. It is the largest karst area in Slovakia. It is divided into 7 plains – Koniarska plain, Plešivecká plain, Silická plain, Horný vrch, Zádielska plain, Jasovska plain, and Dolny vrch. The Slovak karst is famous for limestone and dolomites, deep canyons, numerous caves and abysses as well as thermophile flora.
National park Slovak paradise

The national park, Slovak Paradise, is situated in the eastern part of Slovakia 30 km from Rožňava. In 1988, it was proclaimed the Protected Landscape Area national park. The park covers the area of 198 km2 and the protected zone is more than 130 km2. It is famous for glorious gorges. The national park of Slovak Paradise is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Slovakia. The dam of Palcmanska Masa in the southern part is ideal for fishermen. In winter the ski resorts of Dedinky, Mlynky Dobsina, Vysna Slana and Rejdova offer excellent facilities for cross-country and down-hill skiing. The ice cave, Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa, listed by UNESCO, has been open in this area. A chairlift 2 km long is available to get to Geravy plain where you will be impressed by an unforgettable view.
National park Muranska planina

This park is a karst mountainous plateau in the western part of the mountain range Slovenské Rudohorie on the border between central and eastern Slovakia. It covers an area of 203 km2. The territory is formed by limestone-dolomite flatland with a lot of karst formations. The highest spot is Rocky reef “Ciganka” with Muran castle remains. Flora is unique: Daphne arbuscula and other plants can be found here.
Ochtinská Aragonite Cave

Is a specific phenomenon also from the world caves perspective, which attracts every visitor by its variability, wealth and beauty of aragonite fill. It is located on the northern slope of the Hrádok Hill in the Slovak Ore Mountains on the road between Štítnik and Jelšava, 26 km from Rožňava. It is the only one of its kind in Europe. Its length is 585 km.
The Domica Cave

The Domica cave is one of the best known and most visited of Slovak caves. It is located in the south – western part of the Slovenský kras, limestone territory of the Silická planina. Although it was discovered in 1926, it has onlz been open to the public since 1932. The visitors can observe beauties of 1315 km long cave and admire an underground boat ride on the Styx River 140 m long inside the cave.
The jasovská Cave

It was created by the activity of the Bodva River. Corridors are arranged in five levels. They can be more than 2 800 m high in places. The cave is rich in stalactite forms and colors. Seventeen species of bats inhabit this cave. The cave was first opened as the first one for public in Slovakia in 1846. The sightseeing trail is 725 m long.